广东地区经济发展、休旅环境都是国内发展较好的地区,是华南地区重要经济脉搏,未来必将是房车露营行业市场基础较好的地区,房车露营专业主题展会作为品牌与用户沟通的桥梁 ,充分发挥了平台纽带作用,开拓市场进一步推动华南地区房车露营生态向新发展,促进房车露营相关上下游产业协同发展。
The economic development and leisure environment in Guanadong are both well-developed in China.making it an important economic pulse in South China. In the future, it will definitely be a reqion with a goodmarket foundation for the Ry 8 camping industry. As a bridge between brands and users. the Ry 8 campinoprofessional exhibition has fully plaved the role of a platform link, expanded the market, further promoted therew development of the RV 8 camping ecoloay in South China, and advanced the coordinated development oiupstream and downstream industries related to RY & camping.