上海地处长江三角洲的核心地带,最大的经济中心城市,GDP 总量居中国城市之首,紧握房车旅游迅速发展的脉搏,覆盖华东地区购车意向群体,上海国际房车旅游博览会作为高规格的专业展会,为房车企业及用户提供便利的沟通平台。
Located at the core area of the Yangtze River Delta, Shanghai is the largest economic center city, with a totaGDP ranking first among Chinese cities, closely grasping the pulse of the rapid development of RY tourism, anccovering car buvers in the East China Region. As a high-level professional exhibition, the Shanghai internationaRV Tourism Exhibition provides a convenient communication platform for RV enterprises and users.